The project implementation has taken the double of sessions that the foreseen in the planning, although the Project had been tested in Catalan several times before to adjust the science content, the activities and the methodology. That means that difficulties due to teaching in English should be added to those related with the science content.
Paying attention to group composition, they have been formed mixing girls and boys from 6th and 5th grade. As a science teacher, I knew the capabilities in science of each pupil, but it is also interesting to know the English level to have that into account and include someone with a good English level, someone with a lower level and two medium English level students, in each group. Needed information to make the best groups could be obtained from English teacher experience. In addition, thanks to the project implementation I realize now that dialogue and manipulative activities are more appropriate to the work in pairs than in groups of four.
It has been necessary to prepare a power point presentation, not included in the initial planning, in order to introduce the objectives and the activities of each session. The power point presentation has been also useful to implement reflection proposals at the beginning and final of each work session.
Finally, the reference to the ‘Andromina’ contest –an activity addressed to young people done in the summer annual festival- has been a right decision and it has improved the construction of nice and accurate ‘andromina’ models that have taken more time than of expected.